A For Away! Vitamin A and Your Skin

I know. Just like me you’ve been to the department stores, and the skincare aisles are stocked with an endless array of anti-wrinkle formulas, creams that are suppose to make skin better, or others that are supposedly going to “restore” your skin…Vitamin A Bella Terra Cosmetics Restorative Cream
The packaging is different, the claims vary, but most have one thing in common: I personally don’t hold them anywhere close to Bella Terra Cosmetics’ Nightly Restoration Cream.
Want to know why?
If you read the ingredients on Bella Terra Cosmetics’ Nightly Restoration Cream, you will invariably find Vitamin A… Somewhat of an enigma in the skincare, cosmeceutical industry.
An ingredient so powerful, that skincare scientists encourage us to approach it with as much caution, as possible. Well, I have never been the cautious type when it comes to my skin, so of-course I am all in, and with Bella Terra Cosmetics’ Nightly Restoration Cream, I think I know that it will be worth it!

Is Vitamin A in Bella Terra’s Nightly Restoration Cream a magic elixir?

I will just start with the basics, cause I don’t think that getting too complicated on it will help us understand better.. Continue reading